Corpus Christi Massage Therapy Schools

Best Massage Therapy Schools in Corpus Christi, TX

In Corpus Christi, you can learn massage therapy and become a licensed massage therapist in a few short months. More people are interested in these natural treatments, so the need for trained massage therapists in Corpus Christi is growing.

In Corpus Christi, there are massage therapy schools that teach everything you need to know about massage therapy. They help you understand the theory and give you practical skills to succeed in this field.

Below you will find a list of licensed massage therapy schools in the Corpus Christi regional area.

Hands On Approach Corpus Christi Branch

4639 Corona Dr Ste 18, Corpus Christi, TX 78411



Criteria for Evaluating Massage Therapy Schools in Corpus Christi

Accreditation and Licensing

Confirm that the school holds accreditation and licensing from reputable bodies such as COMTA and meets Texas state requirements under TDLR.

Curriculum and Program Length

Verify that the curriculum covers essential topics like anatomy and offers sufficient hands-on practice. Determine if the program duration fits your schedule, whether it’s a short-term certificate or a longer diploma course.

Faculty Qualifications and Experience

Ensure instructors possess both academic qualifications and practical experience in massage therapy.

Facilities and Resources

Assess the school’s facilities, including classrooms, massage clinics, and labs. Ensure they provide necessary equipment for training and check for available study resources such as libraries or online materials.